10 Simple Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle
Hey BA!
Let’s talk strategies for a healthier lifestyle. In my experience, it’s the simple ones that are most effective longterm.
Due to the fast-paced society we’ve grown up in, we often mistake speed for effectiveness. However, just because something takes more time doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Drastic diets produce quick results, but even quicker rebounds when we inevitably fall off track. Instead, we should focus on small swaps that are sustainable and compound over time.
Below is my list of top 10 strategies! I encourage you to start with one or two, and then layer in the rest over a span of a few months. This is meant to be a launching pad to help you shift your mindset and start forming new habits for a healthier lifestyle that actually lasts.
10 Simple Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle
Set a morning routine.
The key to making a morning routine stick? Make it fun! Whether it’s five minutes or an hour, do something you love every morning. Excitement is the best motivator to get out of bed.
2. Drink a tall glass of water upon waking and before snacking.
Hydration is crucial! Especially since our brains often mix up signals between hunger and thirst.
3. Eat at least three different colors with every meal.
This ensures nutrient diversity and density!
4. Limit consumption of refined grains, sugars, and oil.
These generate inflammation in the body and contribute to disease and illness.
5. Designate quick, healthy meals that you can keep the kitchen stocked with for those times of desperation.
We all need a plan B sometimes.
6. Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per week.
Alcohol impacts liver function, which in turn impacts our ability to detox.
7. Incorporate some type of movement daily.
Flush out those toxins!
8. Get outside for at least 30 minutes every day.
We need sunshine! It’s good for the body as well as the mind.
9. Set a bedtime routine.
This helps promote consistent and restful sleep!
10. Shift your perspective to evaluate foods by nutritional value, not “good” or “bad.”
We don’t need any additional guilt, shame, or stress in our lives.
Most of these probably seem familiar, or at least make logical sense. As I said before, simple works! You don’t need to do anything extreme or trendy to optimize your health. With that being said, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. These all still require commitment and planning. However, I’ve found knowing the “why” behind anything improves follow through and makes it just a little easier to form that new habit. So, over the next few weeks we’ll unpack the deeper reasoning behind each strategy!