Morning Routine
Hey BA!
When was the last time you were excited to get out of bed? As someone who is not naturally a morning person, I have a history of rushing out the door with breakfast in hand to then angrily sit in rush hour traffic. I would arrive to work, often late, in a stressed out frenzy. As much as I hate to admit it, this negative head space tainted my entire day. Rather than approaching work with energy and motivation, I was lethargic and frustrated. Maybe you work from home now and it’s not stress or time that is an issue, but brain fog and the inability to fully wake up before hopping on your computer.
Whatever the situation, something has to change…
The idea of setting a morning routine is nothing new. I'm sure you've heard it a million times that a strong routine is one of the keys to success, and to some extent it's true. The mornings I managed to pull it together and actually wake up when my first alarm went off were a night and day difference. The little act of being able to sit down, eat breakfast, and drink my coffee from an actual mug (not to-go mug) changed my entire outlook on the day. I was more peaceful and it carried over into my work. I knew this phenomenon well, yet I continued to snooze most mornings. Why?
I attributed it to just not being a morning person, but what I realized is that it was actually because I hadn't given myself an enticing enough reason to get up. When sleeping is the best part of your morning, it makes sense that you wouldn't want to get out of bed. That is when I realized the key is setting a FUN morning routine. Think back to when you were a kid - whenever you had a field trip or a fun day planned you couldn't wait to jump out of bed. That's the goal! Create a morning so fun for yourself that you'll wake up every day excited! Starting the day inspired and motivated will carry over into everything you do. Your head space can change not only your outlook, but the results of your day as well. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. How you think affects how you feel, act, and what you attract.
This has a huge impact on your health. Negativity and stress inhibit your body's ability to function optimally on the metabolic level. It also impairs your ability to make healthy decisions throughout the day. Therefore, I believe locking in your morning is the first step to a healthier lifestyle.
The key is to find your motivating factor(s). What is something you love that you can incorporate into your mornings that will actually get you out of bed? Start small and add on as you go. Also, know that your routine may change with time and that’s ok! Different seasons have different priorities. We don't always get as much time in the mornings as we'd like without waking up at an insane hour. It's all about knowing what your motivating factors are and creating a morning for yourself filled with joy and peace. For some it may be only be a 10 minute ritual, others it may be an hour or more.
5 Recommendations:
1. Always wake up at first alarm! That’s actually when you’ll have the most energy before becoming groggy. It may feel rough at first, but I promise it gets easier with time.
2. Drink water first thing before coffee or tea. Your body is dehydrated from sleeping and a glass of water will get the engine burning.
3. Incorporate gentle movement (walking, yoga, stretching). This does not have to be anything extensive - just a couple minutes will get the blood flowing and metabolism running.
4. If possible, get some sun exposure. Our natural circadian rhythm is designed around light and dark. Catching the sun at some point during the morning is a natural way to boost your energy.
5. Take a moment to center your mind. This could be reading, prayer, meditation, gratitude lists, etc. Find what helps clear the to-do list chaos from your mind and replaces it with peace. This will shift your perspective and place you in a positive head space to take on the day.
This Week's Challenge:
Choose something fun you can add into your mornings and write down your routine.
This is something you will continue to develop with time, so be patient with yourself as you discover what works. The original plan may not necessarily be the right fit. However, allow yourself a few days of consistent follow through before switching to something else. It may not come easy at first, but once you start seeing the improvement in your attitude and overall energy it will only inspire you that much more.