Spaghetti Squash Recipe


Hey BA!

This week I want to share one of my favorite winter meals - spaghetti squash! 

Spaghetti squash is an awesome noodle replacement if you are looking to reduce grain consumption and/or increase your veggie intake. It’s high in fiber, low in calories, and contains vital nutrients like vitamin C, niacin, B6, and manganese. 

While it definitely tastes different than traditional pasta, the flavor is still delicious and you can season it however you like. It takes on any flavor profile quite nicely. Marinara or pesto, you can’t go wrong. Best part? It’s super easy to make! Meal prep will feel like a breeze. 

Below is the recipe for spaghetti squash with meat sauce. It’s my favorite way to eat it!


  • 1 spaghetti squash

  • 1 package of grass-fed meat (I love using bison)

  • 3/4 - 1 jar of red sauce (look for all-natural, clean list of ingredients w/ minimal to no preservatives) 

  • 1 package of preferred mushrooms (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

  2. Cut spaghetti squash in half, lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds.

  3. Place on a baking sheet (guts down) and pop in oven for 30-40min. Time will vary based on size of squash. Gently squeeze the outside of the squash to test if done. It should be slightly squishy. Outside will be lightly browned. Not a big deal to overcook, just means the spaghetti strands will be more mushed together rather than separated.

  4. While squash is cooking, brown meat on the stovetop in a medium to large pan.

  5. Drain excess liquid from meat.

  6. Add sliced mushrooms if desired and let them cook down a bit.

  7. Add red sauce and stir together. Roughly 3/4 - 1 jar depending on preference.

  8. Once squash is cooked, flip over and shred lengthwise with a fork. This will create the spaghetti-like strands.

  9. Scoop out some shredded spaghetti squash on a plate, top with meat sauce, and add a side salad. Dinner is served!

Park Roberts