Preventing the Holiday Binge


Hey BA!

The holidays are filled with festive parties and lots of baked goods. We want to enjoy the holidays (as we should), but often we confuse enjoyment with binging. As a result, leading up to this time of year we resign ourselves to the fact that weight gain is inevitable. We see the holidays as a time to fall off the clean eating bandwagon, telling ourselves we will fix it in the new year. It creates a sense of dread surrounding holiday food and parties, while simultaneously stimulating our craving to consume as much "forbidden" food as possible before the holidays are over. This is where the problem lies. It isn't inherently the holiday food that leads to the majority of our weight gain, but rather this craving that causes us to binge. 

So, how do we help prevent binging? I briefly discussed it in the “Thanksgiving Tips” post, but the number one “don’t” is fasting prior to the holiday party. Why? The reasons are both mental and physical. 


It already puts us in the mindset that we are going to overindulge at the party. Our mind is prepared to over consume when we walk in, and our body quickly follows through with the plan. We remember picking up one cookie, blink, and suddenly we've eaten five. Remember, more does not mean more delicious. It’s the law of diminishing returns - we find the most enjoyment in the first cookie and it slowly fades the more we eat. 


It puts us in starvation mode, which means our body will retain all of those nutrients in preparation for future famine. This slows our metabolism and inhibits our body's ability to metabolize the food properly. How do we store it? As fat. Additionally, starving ourselves and then over consuming high sugar foods wreaks havoc on our blood sugar management. This contributes to inflammation and quick weight gain. 

Now that we know the major “don’t,” let’s discuss the “do’s.” First, as you can guess, make sure to eat nutrient-dense meals throughout the day to keep your body fueled and satisfied. Second, join us for our 25 Days of Christmas Challenge! Focus on these daily goals: 60min of movement, 6 cups of veggies, and 90oz of water.

Is a little weight gain over the holidays inevitable? Maybe. Should we still enjoy all the goodies the holiday brings? Most definitely! The key is balance, not avoidance. I believe one or two treats are good for the soul, but five just make you feel nauseous. 

Park Roberts