Household Swap: Condiments


Hey BA!

Looking to cut out excess sugar? Start by examining the condiments in your fridge. These are the sneaky little items that may seem insignificant, but add up over time. Conventional mustards, ketchup, mayo, you name it, all have hidden sugars that can derail your otherwise well-intentioned meal. Take a stroll down the condiments aisle and you’ll be shocked at the ingredients you see. 

So, if you haven’t already, make the switch! Eliminate those hidden, unnecessary refined sugars and save it for that cookie you’ve been thinking about. The best way to go about this is to simply read the ingredients list before purchasing, but here are some of my favorite brands to save you some time!

  • Primal Kitchen (anything)

  • Annie’s Organic Yellow Mustard

  • Chosen Foods Classic Mayo

Park Roberts