Make Your Schedule and Stick to It!
Hello BLDR Family!
How are you doing? I hope you all are hanging in there and fighting the good fight!
During these past few weeks I have found myself with a lot of “free time.” During the first week, I found a lot of things I needed to do, projects around the house that needed completing, and self assigned chores I could go above and beyond on. Once all of those things were finished and I was feeling pretty good about myself, the “free time” started setting in. I thought it was “nice” not to have a schedule and kind of fly by the seat of my pants and do anything and nothing for a few days. This lifestyle quickly turned into confusion and misdirection in my actions and thoughts.
Dwight D. Eisenhower defined Freedom as, "the opportunity for self-discipline. Without a disciplined schedule, chaos and complacency and confusion move in.”
I think we all have seen first hand and know the damage that freedom sometimes causes. Over the next few days, take some time to make a schedule that works for you and stick to it. All ages of people thrive on routine and want to know “what happens next” especially in these times of not knowing. Give into that planning side of yourself and make it so that you don’t have a choice to work out…it’s on the schedule, so you do it. You don’t have to make a choice about reading for 30 minutes, because it’s already on your schedule and you will do it.
Here is a look at my new daily schedule:
6AM - Wake Up / Shower
6:30AM - Meditate / Coffee / Emails or Work
7:30AM - Kiddo Wakes Up / Breakfast
9-11AM - Outside Time / Art / Play / Reading
12 - Lunch
1PM - Nap for Kiddo / My time, 1 Hour Workout / 30 minutes Laundry / Cleaning / Dinner Prep
2:30-5:30PM - Outside Time / Art / Play / Reading
6PM - Dinner
7PM - Bath / Reading
8PM - Kiddo Bedtime
8-10PM - I allow myself to watch a show, read a book, work on my to do list, lights out by 10PM.
Adjust your personal schedule during this unique time, and make it so that YOU are successful. I’m not saying that I think we should all be monks and not indulge during these times. Occasionally freedom does wonderful things for our creative side. I’m making a point to try new recipes and bake when I have the urge. The ingredients I use may not be what I usually eat, but it’s good for my soul. I like to allow myself everything to a degree in moderation right now. I am encouraging you to cut out the “dead time” in your day spent doing things that will not serve you positively in the long run. This schedule will help you find what works for you throughout the day, and what hurts your. Everyone has a different definition of what these things are.
I can’t wait to hear about the new habits you have in your schedule when we get back at it!!
Coach Emily