Tips & Tricks to Ease Back Into The Gym
We are back, WOOHOO! Opening back up is extremely exciting, but also comes with responsibility. We are limiting class sizes, cleaning multiple times per day, spacing out class times, along with many other additions to keep our community safe. We will be excited and hyped up to get that first workout and push hard. Think about what “pushing yourself” looks like right now. What can you do to set yourself up for success? How do you want to feel the day after your first workout? YOU have a responsibility to keep yourself safe when you come back and here are a few tips to help you navigate this transition.
1. Number of Workout Days
For the next two weeks, take the number of days you usually come into the gym down by 1-2 days. Hopefully you have been active while out of the gym, but give your body a fighting chance with getting back to the weights. Lifting weights is time under tension, and breaks down existing muscle. When you take a rest day, this allows muscles to build back up creating stronger and larger muscle on top of what you already had. After two weeks, reassess how you are feeling and decide if you can add another day of training into your week.
2. Weight Percentages
DO NOT max out any lift within the first month of coming back (unless you have been consistently working with a barbell). During the first month of reacquainting yourself with the barbell, take about 20% off your typical heavy, moderate, and light weights. Learn to move again efficiently and correctly before adding any significant weight.
3. Reps, Weight, Time, Intensity
When you look at your workout, whether it is the BLDRHome, BLDREngine, or BLDRStrength, change one thing about it. Look at the reps, weight, timeframe, the intended intensity and take one of those down. This does not mean “dog” the workout. This means make one thing about it easier and push harder on other aspects. Form is always your first priority, consistency of that form is second and once those two are mastered, INTENSITY is your third priority!
4. Hydration, Nutrition, and Sleep!
We preach the word “healthy” constantly at Boulder Athletics! If there was anytime to work hard at these three things above, IT’S RIGHT NOW. Getting back into the gym will make you stronger, but working on your hydration, nutrition, and sleep will keep you healthy for the long run. Eat as many fruits and veggies as you can. Make sure you are drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Get consistent sleep, and stick to your schedule and bedtime routine.
Can’t wait to see you in the gym!
Coach Emily