The Importance of Immunity

Let’s talk about the immune system and what measures we can take to protect and strengthen it. You are not defenseless to bacteria, germs, and that feeling of getting sick. We put a lot of focus on working out in the gym, eating healthy food, and using supportive supplements. While limiting your exposure to others is great, there are other actionable steps we can take that will help in a big way. The better you take care of of your immune system, the better chances you have to fight off sickness you will encounter. 

Ways to keep the immune system healthy:

1. Rest and reduce stressors

The first and most obvious thing to do when you feel like you’re starting to get sick is to sleep. Sleeping promotes healthy cell growth and allows the immune system to focus on the germs trying to creep into the body. When the body is forced to workout when not feeling well, the immune system has to decide if it’s going to help fight bacteria or fight in the workout. This typically causes exhaustion on the immune system, and results in feeling sick for a longer period of time. Another way to reduce stressors on the body when feeling sick is to practice mindfulness. Take an hour out of the day to relax, take the dog on a walk, read, meditate, breathe, or just turn your phone off for the hour. When the immune system breaks down, it’s the body telling you to TAKE A BREAK! Listen to the signs and ask yourself, “is this good for my body right now?”

2. Keep it clean! 

This probably goes without saying, but good hygiene promotes good health. Wash hands often and stay away from others who are not feeling well. If you are the one not feeling well, stay home and stop the spread. It’s easy to push through and keep working when not feeling well, but remember, work will still be there when you are feeling better. 

3. Stimulate the immune system with food.

Make a point to eat all the colors of the rainbow! More color means more antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E which keep the immune system happy. Be mindful to include many different fruits, vegetables, and many citrus fruits which are loaded with vitamin C. And use spices in the kitchen! Turmeric and ginger are well known spices that support gut health and your immunity.

4. Exercise and movement!

Once you’re over that initial sickness hump and have given your body a chance to rest and fight off a bug, get back to doing what you are doing in the gym! Exercise heats up the body, requiring the immune system to respond positively, and continues to strengthen. Heating up the body significantly helps prevent bacteria from multiplying and keeps us healthy. Exercise is also good for your bones, heart, muscles, and longevity. Remember, a walk around the block is movement and will help the immune system tremendously! Something is ALWAYS better than nothing.

See you in the gym!

Coach Em

Park Roberts